Opening dialogue
we want to introduce our self and :
My name is Sigit Mayongga
My name is Riyan Setiawan
My name is Kevin Alfaro
Interview Begin 1
kevin : "hello Mr Riyan", can you describe your self ?
Riyan : My name is Riyan setiawan and I'am first graduate in 21 years. I was born on jakarta 1998, I have join the university organization so, I had a few experience in my collage. When I join the organization they are sport an event concert. I was want on assistence to a seen.
Kevin : "Mr Riyan", why interested with my company ?
Riyan : Why was interested this company because, this company it growth well.
Interview Begin 2
Riyan : "Mr Sigit, Do you a disease in your body? I mean something influenza or heart attack
Sigit : I have no disease no body, an I ready to work. So if your company have a something plays to work. so i cant a play this job.
Riyan : "Mr Sigit, what do you offer this company ?
Sigit : My contribution this company, i will make this company bigger then before. because, in my senior high school i was joining in my organization like we are making proposal to make a event like a sport or something. like that, and i think have a experience to precentation. I make this company bigger how cant this company event better.